Id: | 11536 |
Plant group: | Cormophytes |
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| Type of: |
Family: | Asteraceae |
Genus: | Gynoxys |
Species: | carpishensis Cuatrec. |
Author of type taxon: | Cuatrec. |
| |
Year of publication: | 1960 |
Reference: | Brittonia 12: 185. |
Type status: | Isotype |
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| Current name: |
Genus: | Aequatorium |
Species: | carpishense (Cuatrec.) H. Rob. & Cuatrec. |
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Collector: | H. Ellenberg |
Exsiccate number/ specimen number: | 2211 |
Collection date: | 9-7-1957 |
Area of origin: | Peru, Carpish: between Huanuco and Tingo Maria, 2800 m, cloud forest of the eastern Andes |
Remarks: | specimen mounted on 2 sheets |
Registration number: | 11358 |